What Cage Are You In?

by Coach_Alan_Can on June 19, 2012

While reading the first chapter of Brendan Burchard’s new book, The Charge, the image of cages and of being caged in life came to me. A specific cage appeared – the kind that is in a ‘train’ at the circus holding the cats (tigers, lions, leopards, etc.). Each animal has it’s own cage, the train being led to the ‘stage cage’ for the performance. At the right moment, the cages are opened and the animal file in to perform. When they are finished ‘acting’, they are led back to their cages. You get the picture.

It occurred to me that many of us lead ‘caged’ lives. We get into a comfortable routine, or get resigned to how our lives are. We go through the motions. We have the job, the family, the house, etc. and lack the joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Occasionally, we get out of the cage, we get prodded to the performance area – our work, our athletic endeavors, our family occasion – do our ‘act’ and then get back in our cages.

How can we break out of this cage? How can we get the support we need to be the best we can as fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, and workers. In my work, I have found the power of connection – the intentional connection with other men – helps me and others to be out of the cage, to be living fulfilling lives. Yes, it takes connection, it also takes intention, being aware of one’s purpose, and being able to see and deal with the hidden saboteur – the one we listen to that gets in the way of our living a satisfying life as the best man we can be.

Need help? You have found it! Contact me for a free, introductory coaching session and get out of your cage!

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